Ginger, a miracle root, has an impressive list of remedies and cures to its name. It is used often as a spice in foods, for its well known health benefits in juices and of course as a dear soothing tea. It can be used fresh or in powder or syrup form.Below are some of the health benefits and uses of ginger
- To eliminate/reduce nausea: Chewing on a piece of ginger, drinking ginger steeped water, or eating a ginger candy are easy non invasive ways to deal with a vomiting sensation, be it from motion sickness or chemotherapy.
- Appetizer: Plain ginger tea or ginger juice can awaken a dull appetite.
To ease gastric discomfort: Ginger helps with gas, as an antacid and as a laxative.
As an anti inflammatory: Used in upper respiratory tract infections, arthritis, and muscle pain. Used often as a tea for coughs and colds. - Burns: Ginger juice is sometimes on burn wounds to speed recovery.
- Heart health: Ginger is believed to thin the blood and reduce risk of heart attack and clots and reduce cholesterol.
- Menstruation and cramps: A well known and old remedy for period pains.
- Anti colon cancer: Ginger has been proved to reduce inflammation in the colon, a known precursor of colon cancer.
- Ovarian cancer cells: are proved to be killed by ginger.
- Liver health: Ginger is believed to help with and reverse hepato-toxicity (liver toxicity) caused by acetaminophen and paracetamol.
- As an aphrodisiac: Ginger is believed to help with bedroom blues.
- Migraines: Ginger in migraines is believed to be as effective as Sumatriptan, a popular migraine medicine. However, ginger has much fewer side effects.
- Consult your doctor if you plan to dramatically increase your ginger consumption for its medicinal values.
- Ginger is a blood thinner, so should be consumed with care if you have a clotting disorder, take prescription blood thinners or have gall bladder issues.
- To be used with care in pregnancy as it may stimulate the uterus.
- May cause heartburn and upset stomach if consumed too spicy.
- Ginger can serve as a useful healthful source of taste and spice in our foods. Do keep it in mind next time you want to make something spicy!
Below are some recipes
Ginger Tea
Soothing refreshing and truly good for you, ginger tea can be very satisfying.
2 inches Fresh Ginger Root
4-5 cups Water
1 tsp Sweetener
Grate ginger root, add to boiling water, and simmer 5-15 minutes. Strain & enjoy.
Malian Ginger Juice
A popular and refreshing drink from West Africa…goes well with the heaviness of fried foods. Enjoy!
½ inch chunks of unpeeled ginger root
2 cups of water, change as needed
1 Lemon juice
Honey or sugar, per taste
2-3 Mint leaves, crushed
Grind the ginger in a small mixer or use mortar and pestle to make a thick paste. Strain and squeeze sediment to make it as dry as possible.
Stir in lemon juice and honey. Add water as needed and serve garnished with crushed mint leaves.
Ginger Veggie Stir fry
Fast easy way to get your veggies and ginger fill in tasty fix
2 teaspoons of chopped fresh ginger
2 cloves of chopped garlic
1 tablespoon cornstarch
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 chopped onion
2-3 Chopped carrots
1 cup peas
1 cup beans
2 tablespoons soy sauce
½ spoon salt
In a bowl, blend cornstarch, garlic, ginger, 2 spoons of oil until cornstarch has dissolved. In a skillet, heat 2 spoons of oil, toss in onion and veggies. Stir in soy sauce and 2 table spoons of water. Stir constantly. Cook until vegetables are tender but still crisp
Enjoy over steamed rice or by itself!
Disclaimer: Numerous online content and websites were consulted for the writing of this article. This article is an attempt at consolidate the information. The best source of information is your doctor and this article is not intended to replace medical advice.
Written and amalgamated by Dr Archana Naidu-Komandur, BDS, DDS, PG, FAGD