The Stigma Around Mental Health 

Let’s talk statistics 20% of young adults are known to experience some level mental disorders, globally. In India, only 7.3% of its 365 million youth report such problems. This speaks volumes to the magnitude and manifestations of public stigma associated with mental health and thus even to date reducing mental-health-related stigma among the youth still remains […]

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Integrated medicine

5 Advantages of Integrated Medicine

Integrative medicine is healing-oriented rather than disease-focused. It promotes the combination of mind, body and spirit to regain the body’s natural equilibrium to achieve health.The five most common advantages of integrated medicine cited by patients and practitioners include: Being healing-oriented Integrated medicine’s focus, like the ancient systems of Ayurveda, is about wellness, vitality and healing, rather […]

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Video Consultation

Telemedicine — The Syncremedies Way

Unlike most things that we go online for, from grocery shopping to apparel and everything else in between; healthcare has always been a more in-person experience due to comfort, confidentiality and easy access. But that quickly changed in 2020, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Almost every industry imaginable has had to reset towards to a […]

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Handwashing 101: Covid-19 Edition

The UN General Assembly declared October 15th as Global Handwashing Day, a campaign that began back in 2008 to motivate millions around the globe to sterilize their hands and raise awareness. Now more than ever, as the world’s grappling with the deadly coronavirus pandemic, washing your hands for 20seconds(that’s the time it takes to sing […]

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In Conversation with Arjun Rao

Welcome to the Syncremedies blog. We’re kicking off our series with Founder & CEO, Arjun Rao, as he takes us through his journey to realizing his vision for the future of telemedicine in India. Q: Give us a background of what you were doing before Syncremedies and how the idea for this startup came about? […]

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